What Is a Sibling Cycle?
What Is a Sibling Cycle? Jul 07, 2023 | by Donor Nexus

What Is a Sibling Cycle?

If you have donated eggs with us, you may hear us offer you a sibling cycle. 

This refers to a second donation with a set of intended parents that you’ve previously donated with. In this blog and video, we will go in-depth about what this entails.

Why Would the Intended Parent(s) Request Another Cycle?

It’s quite common for intended parents to choose the same egg donor they previously cycled with for their second cycle. They could need a second cycle for numerous reasons, such as:

  • They could have been unsuccessful with their first set of embryos 
  • They could have been successful but need more embryos for a second child

Intended parents tend to select the same donor for many reasons. They already loved your profile and feel you’re the best fit as their egg donor despite, whether they had unsuccessful results from their first cycle or if they were successful and want genetically related children. 

Reasons for Unsuccessful Cycles

There could be multiple reasons for unsuccessful embryos. The embryos could be poor quality, not genetically normal, or the embryos were implanted to the intended mother or surrogate but were not carried from pregnancy to live birth. 

One Donation Does Not Mean Only One Child

Please note that one donation does not only mean one child. For example, if you donated about 20 eggs and 10 normal embryos were created, there could be a possibility of multiple children. 

If you have any other questions, please reach out to your case manager or contact our team.

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