5 Ways to Care for Your Body When Donating Eggs
5 Ways to Care for Your Body When Donating Eggs Sep 29, 2023 | by Donor Nexus

For the best egg donation experience, we can’t stress enough the importance of focusing on your physical health. It’s so important to nourish your body during your cycle and after your egg retrieval to help speed up the recovery process. In this blog, we share 5 easy tips to integrate into your routine as you prepare to become an egg donor!

What to Expect

The egg donation process includes taking medications for about ten days that will grow your follicles and prime the eggs inside them. As with all medications, there can be some side effects including bloating and irritability. Below are a few tips and tricks to help ease the side effects, keep you on track, and expedite your recovery!

1. Fuel Your Body With Electrolytes, Protein, and Fiber

  • Electrolytes: The medications you will be taking during your cycle can cause some water retention. Some fertility clinics suggest drinking about a liter of fluids a day. It is also better to drink fluids with electrolytes (think Pedialyte, Gatorade, or coconut water) instead of straight water. Eating more lean protein and less carbohydrates will also help aid in your recovery.
  • Protein: We recommend increasing protein in your diet as soon as you start stimulation medications. 
  • Fiber: Lastly, because water intake is limited and protein consumption is increasing, it is important to eat more fibrous vegetables to help things move along smoothly. Be sure to ask your doctor if you have any questions.

Personal Diet Experience From a Previous Egg Donor:

In this video, a Donor Nexus egg donor shares her advice for first-time egg donors, which is to follow the recommended diet plan! As shared by Donor D,

"I have been a donor twice, and one thing I have found that would be a great piece of advice for a first-time egg donor is to follow the diet plan that they give you. Drinking lots of Gatorade, lots of protein, and lots of salt. I have really found that that helps with the recovery process. I feel way less bloated. The first time, I should have drank more protein drinks and Gatorade. The second time, I really followed it as best closely as I could and it really helped. I have a friend who is a donor too, and she found the same thing. I just think that is some great advice. It's kind of funny, you read about diet and think, "I don't know if this would actually make a difference." But it seems to really make a difference, so that would be my advice to you."

2. Limit Exercise Once You've Began Taking Medications

Think about your follicles as little, delicate water balloons. It is important to be gentle and protect your growing follicles against traumatic activities. These sorts of activities include anything that can result in an injury or a fall (ball sports, surfing, rock climbing, and even running). Once the injectable medications start, your doctor may limit your exercise to light walking to none at all. The great rule of thumb is not to engage in any activity that would cause your ponytail to bounce. When in doubt, always ask!

3. Give Your Body Adequate Sleep Every Night

We all know how important getting a good night's sleep is BUT it is even more important while you are in an egg donation cycle. We give our bodies the ability to repair, rebuild, and rest when we sleep. Your body needs this time to respond adequately to the injectable hormones. Make sure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep. Your body and mind will thank you!

4. Follow All Cycle Requirements

  • Take medications on time: Many of the medications you will be taking are on a schedule, and they must be taken at the same time every day. Most donors set reminders on their phones! 
  • Donors are required to abstain from sexual intercourse, refrain from the use of alcohol or drugs, and avoid strenuous activities during their egg donation cycle. These requirements are in place to keep you safe and increase the chances of a successful cycle.

5. Manage Stress

If you find yourself feeling stressed often, it’s important to know that stress has been proven to have negative impacts on health. To manage stress, you should take steps such as practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga, or seeking professional help if necessary.


Additional Resources:

Step-By-Step Guide to Donating Eggs

Egg Donor FAQ Page

Donating Eggs While on Birth Control: What to Expect

Why Become an Egg Donor? 3 Reasons Shared by Previous Donors


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